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Главная » 2013 » Июнь » 5 » IcoFX 2.5 Portable
IcoFX 2.5 Portable
IcoFX может создавать иконки любых размеров со стороной не больше 256 пикселей и даже не квадратные. Глубина цвета может быть 1, 4, 8, 24 и 32 бита; последняя с 8-и битным альфа каналом. Импортировать картинки можно из bmp, jpg и png файлов. Из последнего импортируется также прозрачность, если она там есть. Экспортировать можно в те же форматы. Иконки можно вытаскивать из exe, dll, ocx и icl файлов. Есть также функция захвата (capture), которая позволяет скопировать в иконку определенного размера, облать экрана, просто кликнув на эту область мышью. 

A useful icon editor which can create easily icons with transparency! FX is an award winning icon editor. It is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and editing. It is designed to work with Windows XP, Windows Vista/Seven and Macintosh icons supporting transparency. With a wealth of tools and more than 40 effects at your fingertips, there’s virtually no limit to the icons you can create. You can easily convert your favorite images into icons, or icons into images. IcoFX gives you the possibility to create icon libraries or change icons inside exe files. Create a favicon for your website or blog.

· Support for Vista/Seven icons with PNG compression
· Support for alpha channel (transparency)
· Batch processing for handling multipple files
· New: Built in resource editor for creating icon libraries or changing icons inside exe files
· New: Zoom icons up to 10000% for increased precision
· New: Import image dialog, for creating icons from images
· New: Convert Macintosh icons to Windows icons and vice versa
· New: Open, save, edit and convert Macintosh OS X icons
· New: Extract Macintosh icons from resource files
· New: Snapshot window for creating overviews of the icons
· More than 40 built in effects, including Drop Shadow
· Use custom filters to create your own customized effects
· Multiple language support
· Resolutions up to 256x256
· Data types: 2, 16, 256, True Color, True Color + Alpha (optional dithering for 2, 16, 256 colors)
· Extract icons (including Vista icons) from 32 bit exe and dll
· Import / export images (transparency also) from bmp, jpg, gif, png, jp2
· Many useful drawing tools like brush, line, rectangle and more
· Transparent, Brighten/Darken, Blur/Sharpen tools for retouching
· Create icon from an image with a single click
· Adjust the contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, transparency and color balance of icons
· Change the dimension of images
· Images can be faded using the fadeout dialog
· Increase / decrease the opacity of an image
· Easy shadow handling
· RGB and HSB color modes
· History of recently opened files
· Window menu for easy window switching
· Possibility to store favorite colors
· Capture image from the desktop
· Grid for precision work
· Side bar for easy image switching
· File Explorer window for easy file browsing and importing
· Full drag and drop support
· Sizable preview window
· Multiple undo
· Blur the edge of the brush
· Rotate the image at any angle

Информация о программе:
Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2013
Размер (RAR): 19 Мб
Информация для восстановления: 5%
архив не запаролен

Download / Скачать IcoFX 2.5 Portable

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