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Главная » 2013 » Ноябрь » 22 » ESTECO modeFRONTIER v.4.5.0 (2013/Eng)
ESTECO modeFRONTIER v.4.5.0 (2013/Eng)

modeFRONTIER 4.5 - новая версия междисциплинарной и предметной среды оптимизации конструкций. Обновленное программное обеспечение включает в себя новые функции и усовершенствования, направленные на повышение производительности и сокращение цикла инженерного проектирования.

New features include a customizable drag and drop palette, a new GUI component that substitutes the Buttons Bar and Buttons Panel, and a new Parameter Chooser, which makes integration with third-party software simpler.

The Run Analysis dashboard provides control over the ongoing optimization process. Its intelligent graphic tools provide real-time monitoring of the design evaluation progress.

High-fidelity metamodels can be created with little manual effort using the new RSM Validation procedure; MORDO, the modeFRONTIER tool for MultiObjective Robust Design Optimization, offers improved capabilities for handling uncertainties related to real-world problems; and the new MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) wizard-based solution facilitates interactive decision making.

Other new features include the Sub-Process Node and the Scheduling Project Node. The former can autonomously execute independent processes (modular and re-usable) that map data input to data output, skipping the optimization phase. The latter allows engineers to combine and automate multiple design exploration and optimization tasks and set up nested or hierarchical optimizations.


ESTECO is a pioneer in numerical optimization solutions, specialized in the research and development of engineering software for all stages of the simulation-driven design process. Perfecting engineering and reducing complexity in the design process is our vision. Founded in 1999, the company is headquartered in Area Science Park in Trieste (Italy) and currently employs 40 professionals and serves more than 250 international clients, including BMW, Daimler, Ferrari, FIAT, Ford Motor Company, Honda, Mazda, and Toyota.

Version: 4.5.0
Interface: english
OS: Windows / Linux / Unix / MacOsx
Size: 2,54 Гб

Скачать ESTECO modeFRONTIER v.4.5.0 (2013/Eng)

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