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Главная » 2014 » Февраль » 9 » Learning Adobe Audition CC Training Bundle / Изучаем Adobe Audition CC. Обучающий видеокурс (2013)
Learning Adobe Audition CC Training Bundle / Изучаем Adobe Audition CC. Обучающий видеокурс (2013)

В этом учебном видеокурсе по adobe audition СС от профессионала jeff sengstack, Вы спрашиваете, как импортировать, редактировать и чистить звук с поддержкой приборов и техник, включенных в эту программу. Так же jeff познакомит Вас с новыми функциями и способностями в audition cc, какие совершают редактирование аудио еще проще и скорее чем когда-нибудь доэтого. Этот обучающий видеокурс специализирован для новичков, предшествующий эксперимент работы в audition не обязателен!
Jeff является искусным создателем, сертифицированным инструктором adobe, и владеет многолетний эксперимент работы с продуктами adobe, и, в частности с audition.

In this adobe audition cc training course from expert author jeff sengstack, you will learn how to import, edit and clean audio using the tools and techniques this software has included. Audition cc adds new features that makes editing your audio easier and faster than ever before! This tutorial is designed for the beginner, and no previous audition experience is required.

Jeff takes you through audition cc step by step, with each lesson building on the one previous. You are not overwhelmed with information, jeff teaches you each operation as he does it, making the concepts and tools easy to understand and absorb. Some of the topics that are covered in this adobe audition video training are; Understanding the audition workflow, importing and recording audio, editing audio, adding audio effects, working with noise reduction and restoration effects, using diagnostic tools, stretching time, changing pitch, building multitrack sessions, and of course, saving and exporting your finished product.
Once you have completed this audition cc video tutorial, you will have the confidence and skills you need to import, edit, clean and export high-quality audio projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.

Информация о видеокурсе
Название: Изучаем adobe audition cc
Оригинальное заглавие: learning adobe audition cc training bundle
Год выхода: 2013
Производитель: infinite skills
Автор: jeff sengstack
Жанр: Обучающий
Продолжительность: 13: 30:: 22
Язык: english


01. Введение/ introduction
0101 welcome to audition cc
0102 an overview of adobe audition cc
0103 how we combine audition cs6 and cc lessons
0104 setting up the exercise files
0105 setting general preferences
0106 adjusting audio preferences
0107 setting other preferences and keyboard shortcuts
0108 returning preferences to their default settings

02. Explaining audio fundamentals
0201 hearing and viewing simple sound waves
0202 hearing and viewing complex sound waves
0203 how sound waves interact
0204 understanding digital audio concepts

03. Understanding the audition workflow and workspaces
0301 explaining the workflow
0302 navigating the workspace
0303 customizing workspaces

04. Импорт и запись аудио/ importing and recording audio
0401 importing and opening files
0402 inserting and appending files
0403 extracting audio from cd
0404 using the media browser
0405 viewing clip properties
0406 setting up recording hardware
0407 recording in the waveform view
0408 recording in a multitrack session

05. Редактирование аудиоклипов/ editing audio clips
0501 playing and monitoring audio
0502 viewing audio waveforms and spectral displays
0503 selecting audio time ranges in the waveform view
0504 using the snapping feature when selecting time ranges
0505 cropping clips and deleting segments
0506 copying, cutting and pasting audio
0507 adjusting amplitude
0508 reversing audio and creating silence
0509 working with audio in video files

06. Понимание аудио эффектов при прослушивании/ understanding audition audio effects
0601 an overview of the effects in audition
0602 applying effects to individual files
0603 working in the preview editor
0604 applying effects in a multitrack session

07. Использование выбранных audition эффеков/ using selected audition effects
0701 amplitude and compression - compressor effects
0702 amplitude and compression - miscellaneous effects
0703 amplitude and compression - envelope effects
0704 delay and echo effects
0705 filter and equalizer effects
0706 explaining the scientific filter effect
0707 modulation effects
0708 reverb effects
0709 special effects
0710 two stereo imagery effects
0711 using the stereo expander
0712 vst and other third-party effects

08. Работа с функцией шумоподавления и возобновления effects/ working with noise reduction and restoration effects
0801 visually identifying noises
0802 noise reduction and sound removal strategy
0803 cleaning up background noise - noise and hiss reduction effects
0804 using the click/ pop eliminator and declicker effects
0805 cleaning up individual noises
0806 using the sound remover effect
0807 using the adaptive noise reduction and dehummer effects
0808 using specialized techniques to fix issues

09. Использование аналитических и исследовательских средств/ using analytical and diagnostic tools
0901 using the loudness radar metering feature
0902 analyzing and fixing phase issues
0903 using two analytical tools - amplitude and frequency
0904 deleting or marking silence
0905 using the declipper to repair overly loud audio

10. Изменения вышины тона и растяжения времени/ changing pitch and stretching time
1001 visually examining pitch
1002 using automatic pitch correction
1003 changing pitch with the manual pitch correction effect
1004 using the stretch and pitch effect
1005 working with the pitch bender and pitch shifter effects
1006 using clip time and pitch stretching in a multitrack session

11. Использование и творение избранного и эффектов пресетов/ using and creating favorites and effect rack presets
1101 examining effect favorites
1102 creating custom favorites
1103 saving effects rack presets

12. Создание и смешивание многодорожечных сессий/ building and mixing multitrack sessions
1201 understanding multitrack concepts
1202 setting up multitrack sessions
1203 customizing a multitrack session and creating a template
1204 using basic track controls - zoom, mute and solo
1205 working with video in a multitrack session
1206 routing outputs
1207 routing sends
1208 adding, deleting, copying and pasting clips
1209 trimming, splitting and nudging clips
1210 changing clip properties
1211 adjusting and automating track and clip panning
1212 adjusting and automating track and clip volume
1213 fading, crossfading and matching volume
1214 using write, latch and touch volume controls

13. Сохранение и экспорт файлов в многодорожечных сессиях/ saving and exporting files and multitrack sessions
1301 understanding audio file formats
1302 saving files and multitrack sessions
1303 mixing down multitrack sessions to files
1304 extracting audio channels and exporting multiple files
1305 exporting to cd

14. Обзор доп функций/ checking out some extra features
1401 tapping into free music, loops and sound effects from adobe
1402 working with loops in audition
1403 generating noise - white, pink, brown and grey
1404 generating tones
1405 checking out the side-chain feature
1406 using audition with other adobe applications

15. Итоги/ wrap-up
1501 wrap-up and additional resources

16. Об создателе/ about the author
1601 about jeff sengstack

Формат видео: mp4
Качество видео: pcrec
Видео: avc, 1280x720, 16: 9, 15. 000 fps, ~234 kbps
Аудио: aac, 44. 1 khz, 64. 0 kbps, 2 channels
Доп. материалы: находятся
Размер: 4, 07 gb

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